Australian Mountain Doodle Dog Breed Information & Pictures – 2024

Sean Green

Researched & Written by

Sean Green

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The world of dog lovers has been taken by storm by Poodle mixes, and for good reason. Poodles are smart and have several positive breed traits. Today, it seems like you can get a puppy of any breed that’s mixed with a Poodle – and the Australian Mountain Doodle is one of those dogs.

The Australian Mountain Doodle is a fantastic breed of dog with a lot of positive characteristics, both from its Poodle side and from the other breeds it comes from. However, if you’re considering buying one or just interested in learning more about them, there is a lot of information that you should consider.

Everything from temperament, appearance, and energy level are all important things for you to know about this breed. So, keep reading to learn everything you need to know about the Australian Mountain Doodle.

What Is The Australian Mountain Doodle?

What do you get when you mix an Australian Shepherd, a Bernese Mountain Dog, and a Poodle? You get an Australian Mountain Doodle! In reality, the breed comes from crossing an Aussiedoodle (Australian Shepherd and Poodle Mix) with a Bernedoodle (Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle Mix).

The resulting puppy is the best of all three breeds. It will have the gentle nature of the Bernese Mountain Dog, the intelligence of the Australian Shepherd, and the health and friendly temperament of the Standard Poodle.

Australian Mountain Doodle Pictures 

Now that you know what breeds combine to make the Australian Mountain Doodle, you’re probably curious to see what they end up looking like. In reality, these dogs can end up having a variety of coloring, sizes, and coats depending on what generation they come from. We will go into detail about all the different coats and coloring you might expect from an Australian Mountain Doodle later in this article. But for now, here are some pictures of the Australian Mountain Doodle.

Different Types Of Australian Mountain Doodles

Because these dogs are mixed between three different breeds, not all dogs of this breed will be the same. In fact, the type of Australian Mountain Doodle you end up with will largely depend on what generation the dog comes from.

F1 Generation

The “F” in the name of this generation stands for filial. Without going into a huge lecture on Genetics, this just means that the dog is a hybrid of two other breeds – “filial” means offspring of two different parent types. So, all Australian Mountain Doodle types start with the letter F simply because they are all hybrids. The number 1 in the name means that this is the first generation.

This generation is always a 50/50 mix of two different breeds. This means that the F1 generation is not two Australian Mountain Doodles, but the parents of the first Australian Mountain Doodle generation. In other words, the F1 generation is one Aussiedoodle and one Bernedoodle who are bred together to make Australian Mountain Doodle Puppies.

F1B Generation

The F1 part of this generation means the same thing as the F1 we just discussed. The “B” in this name stands for backcross. In this generation, a dog from the F1 generation is crossed back with one of the parent breeds.

For example, an Aussiedoodle from F1 can be bred with a purebred Poodle. The reason this might be done is to increase a breed-specific trait in the puppies from the purebred poodle, like more wavy coats.

F2 Generation

This generation is the result of breeding two of the same mixes together. For example, breeding a Bernedoodle with another Bernedoodle to produce more Bernedoodle puppies that have about a 50/50 mix like their parents.

Note that because genetics are random, it’s possible for puppies in this generation to end up looking or behaving more like one of the original parent breeds than the other. When breeders are trying to establish a certain mix like a Bernadoodle as a “breed”, they will strive toward a consistent look and temperament between F2 dogs.

F2B Generation

Similar to the F1B generation, this generation is made by crossing a member of the F2 generation back with one of the parent breeds. And just like the F1B generation, the reason a breeder might do this is to produce a generation with stronger traits of the parent breed.

For example, if an F2 generation is born without tri-coloring that is standard for the Bernese Mountain Dog, a breeder might choose to breed one of the F2 generations with a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog to make the tri-coloring more dominant in the puppies.


This is another name for the F2 generation. This generation is called multi-gen (short for multi-generational) because the breeder is breeding the second generation of doodles together. This is also sometimes called a “double doodle”. Whether you hear multi-gen, F2, or double doodle, they all mean the same thing. These dogs are simply crosses between two mixed dogs that descend from the same two breeds.

At this point, you may be wondering where the Australian Mountain Doodle comes into play. The answer is that to get this breed, a breeder will breed one Bernedoodle with an Aussiedoodle from any one of these generations to get a new breed – the Australian Mountain Doodle.

Australian Mountain Doodle Breed Information

This breed is fairly new, but they come from combining three very well-established breeds with fantastic qualities. These dogs will have some resemblance to their Poodle grandparents, as well as characteristics from their Australian Shepherd and Bernese Mountain Dog ancestors.

However many similarities they might have to their parents and grandparents, the Australian Mountain Doodle is a unique breed with its own unique properties that we’ll discuss in this section.


The size of these dogs will depend largely on the size of the Poodles that were used to breed their Doodle parents. If miniature Poodles were used, the resulting dogs will be smaller than if the larger Standard Poodle was used.

Typically, you can expect Standard Australian Mountain Doodles (meaning their grandparent Poodle was a Standard Poodle) to be between 21-28 inches tall, and between 50-95 pounds. These dogs are considered to be medium to large-sized dogs.

On the other hand, Mini Australian Mountain Doodles (meaning their grandparent Poodle was a Miniature Poodle) can be expected to be between 19-22 inches tall, and between 30 to 40 pounds. These types of Australian Mountain Doodles are considered to be “apartment friendly” because they are smaller.

Like most smaller breeds of dog, Australian Mountain Doodles of the smaller size will typically have a longer lifespan than their larger counterparts. That being said, the larger version of this breed typically still has long, healthy lives.


Australian Mountain Doodle’s are typically not high maintenance dogs and shouldn’t require any extra care than an average dog would. Make sure that if you buy your dog as a puppy that you finish up any puppy shots that are still required. Odds are that your puppy will be spayed or neutered before it comes home, but if that isn’t the case, be sure to schedule their spay or neuter before they reach 6 months old to ensure the healthiest outcomes. After your Australian Mountain Doodle reaches 6 months old, they should only need an annual vet visit for a wellness checkup.

Aside from regular veterinary care, your Australian Mountain Doodle will need regular brushing, nail trims, baths, teeth brushing, and occasional ear cleaning to keep them looking and feeling their best.

Depending on the length of their coat and your preference, your dog might also need regular or semi-regular trips to the groomer to have their fur coat shaved down.


Like all dogs, if you buy an Australian Mountain Doodle puppy, it will need training if you want to get the most out of the breed.

The critical socialization period for all puppies is between 3-12 weeks old. Once you get your puppy from the breeder at about 8 weeks old, you will need to be persistent in continuing the training they have been working on to give it the best start in life. Puppy training is a great time for you to bond with your Australian Mountain Doodle.

Use this opportunity to expose them to lots of different people and dogs of all sorts of shapes, colors, and sizes so your puppy is comfortable around them as it grows up. Don’t forget to teach your Australian Mountain Doodle all the basic commands like “sit”, as well as any fun tricks.

This is a smart breed, so the sky’s the limit when it comes to all the fun things they can learn to do. If you are new to owning a dog, you and your puppy may benefit from going to a professional puppy training class for guidance.


Your dog’s diet is a very important aspect of keeping them healthy and happy through all stages of life. There is no recommended breed-specific food for the Australian Mountain Doodle, so you should feed yours a high-quality food designed for the size of their breed. For example, if you have a larger Australian Mountain Doodle, get food specially formulated for large breeds.

Try to buy food with quality ingredients, and avoid foods that have corn or grains as the primary ingredient. If you choose to make your own dog food or purchase raw food for your dog, be sure to check in with your veterinarian first to make sure you’re filling your pup’s food bowl with the right nutrients.

For added nutritional boosts, you can supplement your dog’s diet with fish oil, probiotics, and vitamins formulated especially for dogs. Make sure any treats you give them are dog-friendly and avoid giving them fatty human foods because that can cause tummy upset as well as serious health issues.


Australian Mountain Doodles have the perfect mix of their Poodle, Bernese Mountain Dog, and Australian Shepherd ancestors when it comes to their personality. This means that they are typically relatively calm, friendly, and easygoing. These dogs are considered medium-energy, which means they enjoy running around and going on walks, but they also love hanging out on the couch with you.

These dogs can be perfect family dogs because they are usually content with a 30-minute walk every day and don’t require a ton of activity as some breeds do. Their friendly temperament and playfulness make them great with kids and adults alike. Adult Australian Mountain Doodles typically get along great with other pets and other unfamiliar dogs, too.

These dogs are smart, which makes them occasionally stubborn. But this isn’t anything a good foundation of training won’t resolve. They are also very fast learners and they might surprise you with how quickly they can pick up on your commands and training.

Common Health Issues

Because this type of dog is a mix of three different breeds, it makes them genetically healthier than their purebred ancestors. However, there are still some health issues that can crop up in Australian Mountain Doodles that you should be aware of.

Ear Infections

Ear infections are a common ailment in most dogs, and the Australian Mountain Doodle is no exception. Ear infections can be the result of allergies or the overgrowth of yeast or bacteria in your dog’s ear canal.

Depending on the severity of the infection as well as the frequency of occurrence, your vet may need to prescribe medications to clear the infection. Sometimes ear infections can’t be helped, but to decrease the chance of your Australian Mountain Doodle getting one, keep their ears dry, and avoid getting direct water in their ears.

Always take special care to dry their ears with a towel after baths or swim time. If your dog is diagnosed with allergies, be sure to avoid their contact with any known allergens, and give them any prescribed anti-allergy medications as directed by your vet.

Hip Dysplasia

This is a skeletal condition where the ball and socket of the hip joint don’t develop to fit together properly. This can result in the hip joint rubbing or grinding when your dog moves its leg, which will cause the joint to deteriorate over time and eventually lose function. This can be a very painful and debilitating condition as the dog ages if not cared for properly.

Larger Australian Mountain Doodles are at risk of inheriting a genetic risk of hip dysplasia from their Bernese Mountain Dog ancestors. To ensure the greatest health for your dog, ask your vet to check for hip dysplasia at every checkup appointment, as the best outcomes for dogs with this condition requires early diagnosis and starting treatment early.

Hip dysplasia can’t always be prevented since it is a genetic disorder, but there are some things you can do to reduce your dog’s risk of developing severe symptoms down the road. Keep your dog at a healthy weight to reduce stress on the skeletal system, supplement their diet with joint-friendly nutrients like glucosamine and fish oil, and give your dog enough exercise to keep their bones strong.

Also, make sure you get your Australian Mountain Doodle from a respectable breeder who does screening on their breeding dogs to prevent passing down hip dysplasia.

Von Willebrand’s Disease

Von Willebrand’s disease is an inherited blood disorder in dogs. It is caused by a deficiency in a protein that the body needs to help platelets stick together in the blood to form blood clots. The name of the disease comes from the specific protein that the dog is deficient in – called von Willebrand factor.

This condition is considered rare in all the breeds that your Australian Mountain Doodle descends from, but von Willebrand’s has been identified in all three breeds and is more common in Australian Shepherds and Bernese Mountain Dogs.

Because it’s genetic, there is no way to prevent this condition aside from responsible breeders doing genetic screening on their breeding dogs to ensure they don’t pass down the condition.

Signs of von Willebrands include spontaneous bleeding or excessive bleeding after surgery or trauma. This condition can sometimes be treated with drugs that increase the von Willebrand factor in the blood, but the best preventative for your diagnosed dog to avoid symptoms is to make sure your pup avoids stress or risky activities that could cause an injury that will bleed.


Australian Shepherds are prone to this thyroid disorder, which means it could be passed down to your Australian Mountain Doodle. Hypothyroidism is caused by your dog’s body not making enough thyroid hormone. Dogs with this condition might have hair loss, dry skin and coat, weight gain, and behavioral changes such as aggression and fearfulness.

Usually, hypothyroidism can’t be prevented, but maintaining a healthy diet for your dog will help decrease the chance of hypothyroidism developing. This condition can often be treated and managed by prescription medication that increases the amount of thyroid hormone in the body.


Sadly, Bernese Mountain Dogs have a shorter than average lifespan than other breeds of their size – only living to be 6-8 years. This is largely in part to their high risk of a certain type of cancer called histiocytosis. This cancer is extremely rare in most other breeds but makes up a quarter of the cancer cases diagnosed in Bernese Mountain Dogs. This cancer affects white blood cells and is extremely hard to treat.

Your Australian Mountain Doodle will be at a much lower risk of getting cancer than its ancestors thanks to lots of healthy genes from the Poodle and Australian Shepherd. However, there is still a chance that they will get cancer at some point in their life.

There is no way to prevent your dog from getting cancer since it is genetic and caused by random mutations in the cells, but you can be proactive by asking your veterinarian to screen for common early signs of cancer at your annual vet appointment. Different cancers present differently, but common signs can be lumps, abnormal growths, changes in diet, changes in temperament, and changes in energy levels.

Like humans, dogs can undergo chemotherapy and radiation to treat cancer, with some cancers being easier to treat than others. Early detection is key for giving your pup the best chance at beating cancer.

Cardiac Issues

Both Bernese Mountain Dogs and Australian Shepherds can sometimes be affected by heart problems, and this genetic issue can be passed down to Australian Mountain Doodles. In dogs with cardiac issues, their heart may swell, their heart valves may not function properly, or they may have other dysfunctions of the heart.

Signs of cardiac issues include exercise intolerance, coughing, difficulty breathing, abdominal swelling, fainting, loss of appetite, and weakness. If you suspect your pup is dealing with heart problems, it’s important to get them to a veterinarian for an exam as soon as possible because these issues can become fatal quickly if left untreated.

Some cases of heart problems can’t be prevented, but you can decrease the chance of your dog developing these issues by keeping them at a healthy weight and feeding them heart-healthy fish oil that has omega-3 fatty acids.

Eye Problems 

Bernese Mountain Dogs are prone to a genetic eye disease called Progressive Retinal Atrophy, which causes vision loss and ultimately results in total blindness. It’s possible that your Australian Mountain Doodle may inherit this disease from its ancestor.

Early signs of this disease are decreased night vision and dilated pupils. The dog’s vision will continue to degrade slowly until they go completely blind. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent this disease or cure it once it occurs.

However, the disease is painless and if your dog goes blind, it is still completely possible for them to live a full, happy life with a little help and care from their human companion. They will learn to navigate using their other keen senses and will still be able to find their way around familiar areas like your home and yard.

7 Fun Facts You Should Know About Australian Mountain Doodles

They Have Different Nicknames

Australian Mountain Doodles aren’t only known by this name. You might also hear them referred to as the Swiss Doodle or the Aussie Bernedoodle. But all three of these names mean the dog is descended from Poodles, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Australian Shepherds.

The Most Striking Pattern Of These Dogs Is The Merle Coat 

These dogs can be found in a wide range of colors and patterns, but a more rare pattern is the merle pattern. It can come in two different variants – blue merle and chocolate merle. Blue merle is a combination of white, black, and bluish-gray patches. Chocolate Merle is a combination of light brown, medium brown, and white patches.

Unfortunately, as striking as this look is, the gene that causes this pattern is linked to a recessive gene for deafness and blindness. This means two merle dogs should not be bred together because their offspring will have an increased chance of being born blind or deaf.

Since it’s unhealthy to breed merle dogs together to achieve this striking coat pattern, merles are considered rare because they occur less often than other patterns of Australian Mountain Doodles.

This means that if you find a merle, it’s a special pup and it will probably cost you a lot more than any of its tri-color or bi-color littermates simply because it’s rare and often highly desired by people looking to buy a puppy of this breed.

They Have Long Lifespans

The Australian Mountain Doodle can live between 10-15 years on average. When considering that the average lifespan of their Bernese Mountain Dog ancestors is 6-8 years, the lifespan of these dogs is a huge increase. You can expect to enjoy many years of love and joy with your Australian Mountain Doodle.

They Can Have A High Prey Drive

Australian Shepherds were bred to be working dogs with a high prey drive, and this trait is often passed down to the Australian Mountain Doodle. If this trait isn’t desired, it can be easily corrected with proper training and socializing.

This Breed Isn’t Yet Recognized Officially

Since the Australian Mountain Doodle is such a new breed, it hasn’t been officially recognized by renowned dog clubs like the American Kennel Club, which is the trusted registry of purebred dog pedigrees in the United States. This isn’t surprising, because it often takes a long time for a breed to be established enough to have a consistent look and temperament required to be officially recognized.

Most likely, the breed will be recognized eventually, but it could be several years before this happens. Keep in mind that just because your Australian Mountain Doodle isn’t officially recognized yet, that doesn’t mean it’s not officially an awesome dog to own!

They Might Be Droolers

Bernese Mountain Dogs and Bernedoodles are known to be droolers, which might be passed down to your Australian Mountain Doodle. This trait is usually the result of a loose jaw that can be inherited from the Bernese side and is more common in standard-sized Australian Mountain Doodles than it is in the mini version.

They’re As Smart As They Are Cute 

Poodles and Australian Shepherds are known for their sharp wit, which will be passed down to your Australian Mountain Doodle. These dogs learn very quickly and can be extraordinarily easy to train thanks to their stellar intelligence. You may find these dogs being used as service animals because their smarts paired with their eagerness to please makes them great for the role.


How much does an Australian Mountaindoodle Cost?

Australian Mountain Doodles are considered designer dogs, which means they can be pretty spendy. The price you pay will depend on the breeder you go through, with the most reputable breeders charging more because they have to put a lot of money into breeding healthy, well-tempered dogs. When you shop for a new Australian Mountain Doodle puppy, you can expect to pay between $1,300 to $3,000.

What colors do Australian Mountaindoodles come in?

What a dog of this breed looks like will largely depend on its Poodle ancestors, since Poodles come in every color you could think of in dogs. Most Australians come in bi-color or tri-color coats and have white on their bellies and paws. The most common colors on these dogs are white, black, red, chocolate, blue, and merle.

Are Australian Mountaindoodles hypoallergenic?

Yes, but note that hypoallergenic does not mean that these dogs are non-allergenic. No dogs are 100% non-allergenic.

Australian Mountain Doodles produce less of the allergy-triggering proteins found in dogs because they produce fewer oils in their skin. Australian Mountain Doodles get their hypoallergenic properties from their Poodle grandparents and are a good choice for anyone who has dog allergies.

What type of coat do Australian Mountain Doodles have?

These dogs can have a curly, straight, or wavy coat depending on what generation they belong to and the genetics of their parents. Australian Mountain Doodles have a “hair” coat, which lowers the amount of shedding they will do since their lower coat won’t shed in the same way that many other dog breeds do.

Are Australian Mountain Doodles good apartment dogs?

They certainly can be. Since Australian Mountain Doodles have a friendly, mellow temperament and a medium energy level, they don’t need a huge backyard to run around all day as long as they are getting regular walks and potty breaks. Their friendly personality means they are likely to get along with neighbors – both the people and pet variety.

However, if you live in an apartment, it’s recommended that you get a Mini Australian Mountain Doodle instead of a standard Australian Mountain Doodle. Since the mini version of this dog descends from Mini Poodles, it will be smaller at about 30-40 pounds. These versions of the breed will be a better fit for a smaller space unlike the standard version, which can sometimes come in closer to 100 pounds.


Australian Mountain Doodles are a relatively new breed of dog that comes from three fantastic breeds. These dogs are typically healthier than their Australian Shepherd, Bernese Mountain Dog, and Poodle parents and grandparents while maintaining the best personality features from all three breeds.

These dogs can come in a variety of colors and coat patterns, and their medium energy levels and sweet temperaments make them perfect family dogs who will get along with everyone, people and animals alike.

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